. . 1 comment:
By A. Wahab. 

Recently, you have been bombing for the advertisement like follows: 

Are you a Digi or Maxis User? I got something great for you!

Once you PM them regardless of what language they are using, they will tell you something about Best Mobile Sdn Bhd, 

Apparently Dato AC Mizal are claimed to be the brand owner and ambassador.  

After some investigation on Dato AC Mizal FB and instagram, 
we found something like this:

Dato AC social assets' announced his relationship with Best Mobile is a make up story, Dato AC will take legal action against them. OMG?

Similar tactic had been employed in various Chinese Social media group and forum. Most of them are Primary school student and Secondary school students. Once you response to their posting, they will reply you with similar promotional message as below: 

不好意思打扰了 我这里有个好康想介绍给你 ^^ *****没有本钱可以先做 到了四月才付款
新的电话卡创业商机、Best Mobile SDN BHD,现在招募首50位为先锋创造4到5位数收入。
SIMCARD价格:RM49 (里面包含RM10)
介绍奖金:RM20 个人充值奖励:4%
★如果每个月【自己】top up RM15 ~ Rm59.99可以得到下线的top up commisions % 【level 1】 6% 【level 2】 4% 【level 3】 11%
★如果每个月【自己】top up RM60可得到下线的top up commisions 将会自动增加到 【level 1】 11% 【level 2】 4% 【level 3】 15% *不管下线加额多少,只要自己加额Rm60,公司系统将自动提高你的commission% 当然一份努力一份收获,公司绝对不会亏待努力的会员。
升级为分行的佣金奖励 第一代:12.5% 第二代:5.5% 第三代:16.5% 第四代到 无限代:1.5%
特殊的奖励: 充值佣金RM300:RM300奖金 充值佣金RM600:RM600奖金 充值RM1000佣金:国内旅游奖金 充值RM2000佣金:朝圣奖金/国外旅行奖励 充值RM5000佣金:汽车激励RM800一个月3年 充值RM7000提成:每月房子津贴奖励RM1500 3年
充值奖励: L1:30(RM198) L2:15(RM36) L3:10人(RM84)
快速通道(30人×20令吉)= RM600 领导奖金RM300 充值奖励RM318 快速行动奖金RM500(30人在一个月之内)
充值RM60可以获得:免费 - 100分钟通话时间 - 100条短信 - 1.2GB上网
通话价格: RM0.19 /分钟
上网配套 500MB = RM18 1GB = RM38 3GB = RM99
组合配套= RM60 1.2GB / 100minit呼叫/ 100sms
还有更多更多,此计划将在4月1日正式启航, 现在可以接受预先注册,等到正式启动才支付RM49 的卡钱
Name (姓名) : Address 地址 : IC 号码 : 联络电话 :

What do you think? it is a scam? With the contradictory message from Dato AC Mizal, it does sound like a dishonest advertisement to me more than a scam. Nevertheless, I am still skeptical on this Best Mobile due to its dishonest marketing planning. 

1 comment:

Potato Cookbooks said...

This was great to reead

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